There are opportunities to serve both in preparation for the Christmas Outreach and on the day of the Christmas Outreach. Please indicate ALL team(s) that you would like to serve with. Please note that while we will do our best to accommodate your preferences, we may need to move some volunteers around to accomplish the goals of the outreach.
Use this section to indicate whether you'd like to be part of the resource assembly team prior to the Outreach on December 16th. This team will meet at the Montgomery County Campus to assemble resources and supplies on MONDAY, DECEMBER 11TH, and WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13TH from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
*serving on this team is NOT required to serve on the day of the Outreach on December 16th.
Use this section to indicate which Team(s) you'd like to serve with on the day of the Outreach on DECEMBER 16TH. Please note that some teams, such as our prayer team and medical team will require additional follow-up prior to your placement on the team.
* Please note that while we will do our best to accommodate your preferences, we may need to move some volunteers around to accomplish the goals of the outreach.